What is the most important thing you expect your interns to accomplish within the first 30 days of working for Micron?
Kemish G. asked a question to Human Resources
Category: Internship
Date asked: Sunday, February 27, 2022
Last reviewed: Thursday, March 3, 2022
Melanie L.
Manager, North America Talent Acquisition
Specific accomplishments will be dependent based on the project(s) that interns are assigned. However, within the first 30 days we are hopeful that interns will be eager to jump right in and start working on their projects, collaborating with team members, and asking questions/sharing thoughts or opinions when prompted. Internships are such a short time frame, so the first 30 days is a true ramp-up in terms of building general knowledge about the team and role!
Monday, February 28, 2022
Kemish G.
That is very helpful information! I appreciate you taking the time to get back to me. I will keep all those tips in mind, thanks again!
Thursday, March 3, 2022
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