How is Micron dealing with all the supply chain issues at the moment? What kind of strategy you put in place?
Additional information
Strategies to mitigate the inventory risks
Anthony Q. asked during the live chat LiveChat with Micron team members from North America and EMEA to Micron
Category: About us
Date asked: Thursday, January 13, 2022
Last reviewed: Thursday, January 13, 2022
Mattie C.
Facilities Water Services Manager
Hi Anthony, I can speak to this from a chemistries perspective. In Wet Process we have specific chemicals which have to be transported by boat and cannot be flown so this has caused a lot of troubles, as you know many ports have been backed up. In order to mitigate any slow downs or risk of running out, we have put in place strategies to run only priority material when we are running low. We have also focused on batching material where we can (so running a full 25 wafers which is the max at one time as opposed to running on 2 wafers). When chemistries are low or supply is running late, we have focus teams to understand how long we can make it, what we can do to mitigate, etc.
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Anthony Q.
I'm asking you this bc I work in inventory management and I'm also facing several supply chain constrains of components that can reach 4 or more months.
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Mattie C.
Facilities Water Services Manager
I totally understand that, it is challenging learning to how to handle these constraints. Luckily the longest delay I have seen was about a month. But prioritizing has definitely helped our teams a lot!
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Anthony Q.
I was reading your 10k. I assume that you have strategic relationships with your vendors and for critical materials not a lot available. Hows your relationship with your vendors?
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Mattie C.
Facilities Water Services Manager
I do not work closely with our supply vendors, our purchasing team does that more regularly!
Thursday, January 13, 2022
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