How would you describe the culture at Micron and in your location in particular?
Anonymous asked during the live chat LiveChat with Micron team members from North America and EMEA to Micron
Category: Culture
Date asked: Thursday, January 13, 2022
Last reviewed: Thursday, January 13, 2022
Marco P.
APAC Talent Brand Program Manager
Hi Serena, I am actually based in Tokyo. In Japan the culture is really inclusive, after working many years for japanese companies joining Micron was a reverse culture shock for me. In a very good way! :-)
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Mattie C.
Facilities Water Services Manager
Hello! At Micron, US, we work very regularly in a team environment. We are constantly coordinating with other teams/areas and collaborating to make improvements. I am particularly fond of Micron's work culture as it allows me to be myself and feel comfortable and confident. Micron strives to include everyone and provide opportunities to all.
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Erika M.
mNAND FW Engineer
Hi Serena, that's Erika from Italy. Here the culture is very motivating and collaborative. I have started to work here when I graduated and I was fascinated from the Micron culture.
Micron supports collaboration among teams located in different sites all around the world, so it sustain a lot of initiatives supporting topics like diversity and inclusion.'
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Serena R.
Thanks everyone, I'm glad to hear the culture is great all over! Please can you tell me more about the diversity and inclusion side of things that you mentioned?
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Marco P.
APAC Talent Brand Program Manager
Micron is really committed to developing a diverse and inclusive culture where everyone is seen, heard, valued and respected. We have a whole team in charge of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion.
We also have Employee Resource Groups (ERG) which basically are employee-led and volunteer-driven groups centered around shared identities or experiences, and their allies. Their mission is to create communities that bring us together and ensure we feel supported, and empower us to stand up for equality both inside Micron and the communities in which we live and work.
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Manae K.
CMP Process Engineer
Hello, for diversity both at Japan and Boise site, I saw there are a lot of team members from around the world and I felt comfortable working. I really enjoy working with various members from different background.
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Erika M.
mNAND FW Engineer
Diversity and Inclusion was one of the goal set by Micron for 2021 years, to guarantee the connection among global team members and engage in them ocommunities.
ERG groups mentioned by Marco gave a great contribute to reach this achievement.
In Italy, for example there are groups focusing on Young Professionals connection, or on Women with Technical role
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Serena R.
Thanks so much :)
Thursday, January 13, 2022
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