Anonymous asked a question to Mattie C.
Category: Experience
Date asked: Tuesday, October 4, 2022
Last reviewed: Thursday, October 6, 2022
Mattie C.
Facilities Water Services Manager
My onboarding experience was good! I was paired with a "buddy" who was on my shift in the same role as me. This individual helped train me in all things Micron and how best to do my position. Micron has also started doing a new member training called "bootcamp" which is a two week program that is designed to help get you familiar with Micron, the programs we use (because many of our programs are homegrown and are nothing you will have seen before), and help you get situated at Micron in general. I've heard awesome things about this program and have seen it be extremely beneficial for new team members.
Micron did a great job making me feel welcome and integrating me into the team/company quickly!
Thursday, October 6, 2022
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